Photo of Lorraine Hartin-Gelardi, Storyteller Lorraine Hartin-Gelardi

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School Programs

Storytelling remains an effective tool for nurturing and teaching young people. Stories speak to the entire child - intellect, emotions and creativity. The powerful images are found in stories evoke sympathy, sorrow and joy while providing understanding and resolution of these feelings.











Lucky Adventures: Tales of Ordinary Heroes (Excellent for a PARP Program)

A determined lad by the name of Jack, an enchanted fish and a king with three unusual daughters are just a few of the characters that you’ll meet in this program of traditional tales with an original twist. Lorraine tours the school, sharing age appropriate stories as she visits individual classrooms. The classroom setting allows Lorraine to interact with children in a more personal way as she listens to student comments and answers questions inspired by the stories.

"It was like magic!  Lorraine charmed the students at Mount Marion School the moment they walked through the door.  Lorraine...friendly, warm, open, was able to draw in her listeners and light their imaginations with her Jack tales, myths, fairy tales and folktales. We were so fortunate to have every student experience Lorraine's masterful art of traditional storytelling.  Even when the groups represented a wide range of students, Lorraine found the "just right" tales for each!   And the personal touch...always a few minutes at the conclusion of the program for questions and answers.  Thank you, Lorraine for an enriching experience!"

                                       Pat Manfrates, Librarian Mt. Marion School, Saugerties

Freedom Tales
Freedom’s River, an original rendition incorporating the slave narrative of Arnold Gragston from the Federal Writer’s Project, is one of the stories in this program that honors the struggles and triumphs of those who traveled and helped maintain the Underground Railroad.  Included in the program are folktales from West Africa. 

"When I listen to your stories, my brain goes on an adventure!"
A student at Glenham Elementary School



Children’s Voices
Children experience the richness of the spoken word and claim it for their own by exploring folklore and learning to tell a story of their own choosing. Children make the story come alive as they participate in classroom sessions as well as work in small groups to learn the tools of the trade. For Grades 3 and up.


 Imagine This - Picture That: The Art of Visual Narrative

In 1557, Mughal emperor Akbar commissioned artists to illustrate his favorite story, The Adventures of Amir Hamza. Storytellers used these beautiful paintings as visual complements as they related this well-known tale in local coffeehouses.


Children will enter the marvelous world of Indian oral tradition as storyteller Lorraine Hartin-Gelardi spins tales of heroic adventure. Using ordinary construction paper, children will expand upon the vivid images contained within the stories and use them to create vibrant murals. Children will learn basic storytelling techniques and use their individual murals as prompts to share an original story.


Storytelling and puppetry combine in this creative residency that helps children bring stories to life. Simple puppets fashioned with Lorraine’s guidance become the characters in original stories that children perform in classroom settings. Students learn storytelling fundamentals and performance skills while learning to cooperate in small groups and develop listening etiquette.

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After-School Programs

Making Books that Fly, Fold, Pop & Twist

A book can be a container for ideas, a secret keeper, a treasure map or a magic carpet filled with stories that take you to faraway places. In this workshop, children will have a chance to explore the many different shapes that books can take and relax while using their creativity to make a unique work of art.


Lorraine Hartin-Gelardi 64 Lincoln Avenue, Beacon, NY 12508 (845) 235-7800
Copyright 2006-2024 by Lorraine Hartin-Gelardi. All Rights Reserved. Web site designed by Kate Dudding